Hold onto you hats--the semester's end is fast approaching. Here's the game plan for the end of the semester (as far as Reg-administered courses are concerned).
Job Leads One new note: Swinerton Builders will be on campus on Thursday, Dec. 4 at 5:00 in Riverside 1207. You may leave CM121 lab for the presentation, but you're still responsible for completing your work. No other new jobs have been posted, but there is still a ton of them on Talent Exchange page. Offers are starting to roll in and they look pretty healthy... What's Going on in Classes CM 121: Thursday, December 4 is Exam #2. I sent an announcement through SacCT with the exam instructions. Check them out. Key takeaways: bring your acceptable calculator and a pencil and be sure to go to the bathroom before the exam. You must turn in your exam if you want to leave the room. No exceptions unless you have a doctor's note. Tuesday, December 9 is BID DAY! Come with your bid materials. You will be turning in everything in HARD COPY and it's due at 3:30 sharp. You all know what happens if you're late for a public-sector bid. Bring your bid sheets and all back-up info so that I know how you arrived at your bid item prices. Some of your prices will be determined on bid day--it's okay to come to bid day with some blank spaces, but once you submit your bid, I should be able to navigate your audit trail easily. That means QTO and production sheets and a MOLES-like summary sheet. Do not put your work in a binder or folder. I will give you a binder clip. You will place your bid form on top and then put your back-up documentation behind it. We will have a bid opening in 4003 after the bid deadline. Thursday, December 11 we will wrap the class up. I will reveal the lowest responsive bidder and go over the project. I will also go over Exam #2. And then you're done! CM124 Lab: Bids due on Monday, December 8. Presentations on Wednesday, December 10 starting at 9:00 sharp. CM 126: On Monday, December 8, your electrical change order assignment is due. We'll discuss that assignment and wrap the class up. I'll also discuss the final exam. This is a good class to not miss. On Wednesday, December 10, your service learning project is due. Submit your work packages to SacCT and bring one hard copy to class. In class, each group will give a presentation on their work package. Cover what has been done, what still needs to be done, and any lessons learned (among other items you think are important). Each group will get 5 minutes to present and approximately 5 minutes for Q&A. Try to incorporate as many team members as possible. That will be your last day for class participation points... The final exam in on Monday, December 15 at 12:45 in Eureka 115. And then your done!
JRegI teach people who will be building our country's infrastructure. Archives
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